Food&Walks of pregnant Cane Corso female

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Starting from the 30th to the 60th day of pregnancy Cane Corso bitch should get bone dust during meal (two table-spoons a day) and Vitamin A (5-6 drops daily). From the 6th week of the bitch’s pregnancy you should exclude very active games from her day’s routine: during this period she needs regimen of moderation.

However, the length of walks may be the same excepting the moments when the dog feels too tired of long staying in the street. In this case you are recommended to change 2 long walks with several short ones.

From the 8th week of Cane Corso’s pregnancy she should have four meals daily. It is not recommended to include bones in the dog’s ration as well as the products that may obstruct intestinal peristalsis. The dosage of minerals is the same.

It is desirable to feed the dog with boiled sea fish instead of meat (caloric equivalent of 150-160 g of fish is 100 g of meat food). Toxicosis (eclampsia) will not develop in the bitch if she does not eat meat at all. In the last weeks before lying-in Cane Corso bitch’s walks should be less long but more frequent.

It needs to return home every time when you see that she is tired. Frequent walks are necessary because during the last weeks of pregnancy the bitch has to urinate more often than usually. On the 7-8th week the dog should not participate in active games, run, jump over obstacles and bathe in river.
The day before Cane Corso bitch’s labor, her dugs grow and if you slightly squeeze them whitish liquid starts effusing from them-beestings.

In the 9th week of Cane Corso’s pregnancy you should diminish her daily volume of food approximately for ¼. The food should be given in small amounts, 5-6 times a day.

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